Devlog #8 : Sixth Week of Production


Hello, dear readers! Welcome back to our game development log. We're excited to have you here as we dive into another thrilling week full of progress. As we near the end of our production journey, we have a bit less on our plate this week in terms of features. It's a relief to see how far we've come and how close we are to the finish line. Let's make the most of this final week!


This week, we made several noteworthy additions and improvements to our game. First, we introduced foreground elements to enhance the ambiance of our join room, and we plan to implement them in the arena level as well. However, we're still in the process of finalizing the layout for these elements.

Foreground Elements

In terms of visuals, we decided to change the colors of the platforms in each level to make them stand out more. This should improve the overall visibility and player experience.

Brown Platforms

Green platforms

Our focus this week was primarily on UI design. We updated the main menu screen, ensuring a fresh and engaging look. Additionally, we implemented a functioning score screen, which accurately displays the players' placement and score at the end of each game session.

Main Menu

Score Screen

To provide more flexibility to our players, we added a pause menu, allowing them to take a break or exit the game whenever they desire. It is still very bascic right now and will be polished in the future.

Pause Menu

We also made progress on the heads-up display (HUD), which now adjusts dynamically based on the player's remaining lives, providing a clear indication of their current status.

Health Indicator

On the sound front, we composed a captivating main menu theme that sets the mood for the game. Furthermore, we dedicated time to refining the sound effects, ensuring a well-balanced audio experience throughout the gameplay.

Thank you for taking the time to read our update, and we truly appreciate your support. We look forward to sharing more progress with you in the coming week. See you next time!

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May 16, 2023

Get Warp Warfare

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