Devlog #7 : Fourth Week of Production

Greetings, cherished readers! We present to you yet another thrilling development log, brimming with an abundance of impressive features.

We are currently in the process of revamping our user interface to better match the theme of our game. While a few adjustments still need to be made, the final look is starting to take shape. As you may have noticed, our page has also been updated.

Score Screen

Score Screen

Main Screen

Main Screen

Portrait Borders

Portrait Borders

Additionally, we have added some new particle effects, such as the ones above the "join" sign, which indicate the number of players who are still not ready. We have also made some changes to the layout of the arena to make it less cluttered, allowing for more movement and fun with the traps.

Speaking of traps, all of them are now fully functional and ready to eliminate players. The game is now a chaotic battle for survival, rather than just a simple kill-fest. We have also implemented a new turret that fires a laser at random intervals, as well as a trash dispenser that drops debris on players, which can be used to block the laser. Additionally, we have included spikes that activate at unpredictable moments.

Laser Turret

Laser Turret



Trash dispenser

Trash dispenser

We hope that you are just as thrilled as we are while reading this development log!

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May 02, 2023

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